BRCA Cabling Registration
You must have a minimum of 80 hours for Restricted Registration or 360 hours for Open Registration hands-on industry cabling experience before Cabling Registration can be granted. This can be obtained either under the direct supervision of a Registered Cabler, or experience gained in other relevant cabling activities such as telecommunications, electrical, data, security, or fire alarm cabling.
Applicants must provide sufficient evidence of actual cabling experience using one or more of the methods below:
- A signed statement by Registered Cabler who has directly supervised you, detailing your 80 hours experience for Restricted Registration. Click here to download the Restricted Registration Experience Statement and have your supervising Registered Cabler complete it); or
- A signed statement by Registered Cabler who has directly supervised you, detailing your 360 hours experience for Open Registration. Click here to download the Open Registration Experience Statement and have your supervising Registered Cabler complete it); or
- A detailed log book of cabling experience showing dates and types of work that has been provided; or
- Evidence of a suitably recognised industry trade qualification, involving cabling practices (eg qualified electrician, Foxtel installer, audio/visual installer); or
- A statutory declaration signed by you in the presence of an authorized witness setting out the details of your experience. (click here to download Statutory declaration form)
From: $45.00 Including GST / year