New instructions for cablers when migrating customers to the NBN

A new Industry Guideline has recently been released to assist cablers who are migrating customers to NBN-connected premises, both residential or commercial.

The document, entitled ‘G649: Cabling existing telecommunications services in the customer’s premises for the NBN via FTTP’, and published by Communications Alliance, was developed over the last twelve months as one of the components needed by industry in the migration of customers to the NBN.

These instructions are designed as a guide for a Registered Cabler attending the customer premises to disconnect the existing telecommunications customer cabling from the lead-in cabling at the Network Boundary Point and connect it to the NBN being provided via Fibre to the Premises (FTTP). It currently does not cover other access technologies such as Fibre to the Node (FTTN) or HFC.

It provides information on the preparatory steps for migrating the customer, identification of services and equipment, determining the most appropriate reconnection method and verification of the cabling work post-migration. It also takes into account where there are ‘over-the-top’ (OTT) services such as personal medical alarms and security alarms for their continued functioning once the cabling work has been completed.

The Guideline can be found at